
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pin the Tiara on the Princess

I've got a post that I'm super excited to share because I think it could be the start of something awesome.  Like, maybe I'll see it all over Pinterest.  Or maybe I won't, but I'll share it anyway.

So, I have seen people pin posts from blogs about "engineering prints" or "engineering copies." Basically, it's a huge paper printout of a picture that costs less than $10 because architects and engineers use them for their plans (sizes as big as 3 feet x 4 feet).  Well... I thought to myself, "Why not print out a picture of Peaches McGee and have them play a version of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey?""

Peaches decided that she wanted a princess tea party for her 5th birthday party, so I decided to use cutouts of tiaras to pin on the princess!  p.s. I'll be blogging about her party next month 

First, I uploaded this picture that her first babysitter took and had it printed at It cost me a whopping $8 or so.  

Next, I was going to use my Silhouette Cameo and cut out tiaras for all 13 of the girls. Instead, it occurred to me that the cupcake wrappers that I had bought were a) pink, b) tiara-shaped, and c) pre-made.  I love me a shortcut!

I then blindfolded each of the girls, twirled them around twice, and let them "pin the tiara on the princess."  To affix the tiara to the picture, I simply used a little piece of double-stick tape. I forgot to mention that  I placed a cupcake wrapper tiara on the picture beforehand to use as reference for where the kids should aim. 

After all the girls went, this is what it looked like (not including my favorite one which wound up on the opposite wall).

It was super fun, and the girls loved it!  It got me thinking that you could do so many other things... pin the mask on the super-hero; pin the wand on the fairy, etc.